
BioRed the future of Ethiopia!

We help farmers improve the quality of their soil so that they as well as future generations grow healthier crops, improve their yields and maximize their profit.

Licensed in Asia, Usa, Europe , and Ethiopia

Accredited by Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation


About Us

Our product was first tested by Ethiopian Agricultural Institute on Ethiopian soil and the results have been confirmed by Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation. We are now working in collaboration with Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation and are currently the sole distributors of BioRed in North and East Africa. BioRed can work on any type of soil and enhance any agricultural produce as a result.

BioRed is a 100% natural organic liquid concentrate that is non-toxic- non, pathogenic and environmentally safe. It contains free-living soil microbes, including aerobic, anaerobic, nitrogen-fixing organisms. BioRed nourishes and improves the soil so that plants grow healthy and produce higher yields. Nutrients released by BioRed are done slowly and naturally allowing gradual uptake throughout the growing season. It has the ability to fix atmospheric Nitrogen, making it available to plants. Currently, BioRed is registered as a biofertilizer and gave permission to import and sell as a commercial fertilizer to enhance Ethiopias produce.

Our Team

Meet the team whose sole objective is to revolutionize farming in a natural, sustainable, safe and environmentally friendly way to make future generations proud.


Mr. Mulaw Worash

Ethiopia Representative


Mrs Tenagne Yeshigeta

USA Representative


Dr Assefa Adane

Soil Expert and Technical Advisor


Mr. Getnet Adugna

Argonomist, Technical Advisor

What differentiates our product from other fertilizers?

We believe that working on the base of agriculture leads to the maximum product
yield and the base to any farming practice is good soil with rich nutrients.

Better Soil

Treating the foundation of farming is an act that always keeps on giving.

Better Farming

The land we use is a promise we owe our children. Ensure this promise gets delivered to future generations by using our product.

Better Crops

Crop yield is a direct outcome of good soil. When plants are provided with good nutrients then chances of survival are dramatically maximized.

We help you treat your soil to grow
any type of crop

Our product BioRed is an organic liquid fertilizer that will rebuild the soil’s health by implementing naturally existing soil microbes. It rejuvenates the soil and helps farmers produce better crops and with maximized yield.

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See Our product

We work closely with EABC to supply our products exclusively, and guide you on how to use our product.


Boost Your Growth

Increase your harvests, improve your soil, and earn more money!


I had direct involvement in testing BioGold by EIAR. It was tested on French bean and potato crops. In the field where we’ve used Bio Gold, we’ve had a positive effect on pod yield and quality compared with no BioGold applied. The tuber yield increments due to the combined application of Bigold with existing practice was 5.1 t/ha relative to the existing practice, which is highly economically important. I could also see that the residual effect could depict pod and tuber yield differences.

Ato Getinet AdugnaResearch Institute

I was involved as one of the researcher to validate the test done by EIAR. We have used BioRed on wheat and onion and found excellent results. I recognized that BioRed is the right direction for Ethiopian farmers to minimize the high fertilizer costs maintaining the soils natural property. In all of the plots where we applied BioRed, more than 20% and 50% yield increments were observed in Wheat and onion crops, respectively with less input costs. The soil test after harvest indicated that BioRed improves the physical and chemical properties of soil.

Dr Assefa Adane

Restoring the Soils natural essence

We assist farmers in raising their crop productivity, soil quality and maximize their profit all while ensuring future generations grow healthier crops and get bigger harvests by treating the land.



Our Shipments

The first shipment from
United States of America



New Updates from Our Team



EABC has bought 9900 gallons of BioRed and it is currently being given out to the market.

14 July 2023

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10945 Estate Lane suite E280 Dallas Texas, 75238





702534 , Dallas Texas 75370